Sent a while ago, but relevant today

The following was sent to a limited audience (people who had actively expressed an interest) on October 20, but it’s worth sharing (again) because our Yard Sale is tomorrow!

Dear Woodworker,

Due to the complications of Covid-19, we are unable to hold the Open House/Garage Sale event that we had hoped for the coming Saturday (October 24). However, at this time, we anticipate the following:

  • on Saturday, November 7, the Champaign Woodworkers Club (CWC) and the Preservation and Conservation Association (PACA) will hold a joint Garage Sale event, at 1302 Parkland Court. Details to follow.
  • we hope to have an open house, later, in conjunction with the opening of the new CU Woodshop Supply store

However, if you are really interested … we would be happy to arrange a one-on-one walk-through tour of the shop, and talk about what we know, and what we don’t know, and what we are working on. So many things are still being worked out, but if you want to schedule a time to visit us, we will try to show you what we have.

Best wishes,
Joe DiPietro
President, Champaign Woodworkers Club

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