February 2022 – Saw Stop and Drum Sanders

This month’s demonstrations are on how to safely and efficiently use the club’s SawStop table saws and the club’s drum sanders. Here are some videos on these topics.

In Juy 2020, Jonathan Katz-Moses posted th above video where he sent hotdogs into a Saw Stop. He rented a high speed camera to capture the acture in super-slow motion. This video is definitely woth viewing.
Table Saw Fundamentals using a SawStop
Kickback and how to avoid it
George Vondruska discusses how and why to use a drum sander.
Kickbacks are BAD!!!!
And on the lighter side — Thanks to Denny C for finding this one…..

This next video is a long one but worth watching as a reminder that even experienced woodworkers make mistakes. Safety is ALWAYS the most important thing. Mistakes happen when we get in a hurry.

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