Dues and Fees, etc.

…Work In Progress – 21 Nov 2022…

The following numbers apply as of 1 January 2023, and will remain in effect through 31 December 2023.

Summary Table

This table is offered as a summary of the numbers – see the descriptions below for details, rules and restrictions, etc.

5 hrs/mo$15/moSee
5 hrs/mo$15/moSee
2.5 hrs/mon.a.See
or fraction thereof
Special Fees
Application (non-refundable)$100
Reinstatement (late payment, or suspended membership)$100
Key or Card replacement$5, each;
first time, only…

Membership Dues

The primary revenue stream for the Champaign Woodworkers Club is your membership dues! And our large facility and exceptional tool resources represents a considerable value, with corresponding expenses…

In order for the Club to develop meaningful budget (and not run out of money), it is really beneficial to the club for dues and fees to be paid on an annual basis. Our fee structure reflects this. If you are willing to pay your dues and fees in advance, you will benefit from significant price discounts.

Failure to pay dues on-or-before they are due will result in a $100 reinstatement fee.

Annual memberships (due 1 Jan)

  • Premium Membership – includes assigned workbench space: $2400/yr
  • Standard Membership: $1200/yr
  • Partner Membership – associated with a sponsoring member: $360/yr
  • Affiliate Membership – part of the club, but no access to tools: $15/yr, due any time

Semi Annual (due 1 Jan and 1 Jul)

  • Premium: $1350/half-yr
  • Standard: $675/half-yr
  • Partner: $202.50/half-yr

Quarterly (due 1 Jan, 1 Apr, 1 Jul, and 1 Oct)

  • Premium: $750/qtr
  • Standard: $375/qtr
  • Partner: $112.50/qtr

Dues for new members who join mid-year will be prorated, and discounted accordingly, if paid in advance for the “rest of the year” (i.e. as if paying as an “Annual” member), etc.

Service Obligations

  • Each Premium and Standard member has a service obligation of 5 hours/month, in support of the club, due before the end of their paid membership period
  • Partner members also have a service obligation, of 2.5 hrs/month, but this obligation is carried by the partner’s Sponsor
    • Affiliate members have no service obligations
  • In lieu of service work, a member may “pay off” their obligation, at a rate of $15/hr
    • and “excess” work can be documented and “saved” for future use… but only to a limit. If you are racking up hours, come talk to us!

We have a long list of one-off tasks, and periodic (monthly) tasks that would provide value toward improving our club. [link to be inserted, here…] And we are open to new ideas for projects to make things better! If you don’t see a Service task that you would like to do, to fulfill you obligation, then please suggest one!

Storage Rack Rental

  • Storage space in Bay 3 is available for rent, at a rate of $15/month ($180/year), for one 3×2.5×8 ft unit (approximate dimensions)
    • We encourage you to pay in advance, along with your dues
    • If not paid in advance, other members may rent the space, without warning, when your payment expires…
  • Only Premium and Standard Members may rent storage space
    • Partners may share space with their sponsor
    • Storage space is not available to Affiliates

Members may rent multiple spaces, subject to availability. However, priority will be granted to “new” members who do not (yet) have space, over “old” members who already have multiple units…

Misc. Fees

  • Application fee: $100
    • for people applying to join the CWC; non-refundable
  • Replacement building key
    • $5.00 for first replacement
    • fee(s) TBD if a pattern emerges…
  • Replacement GRIT card
    • $5.00 for first replacement
    • fee(s) TBD if a pattern emerges…
  • Reinstatement fee: $100
    • for members failing to pay their dues “on time”, or who wish to suspend their membership for some period of time.
  • Safety Training (this is information, only)
    • All members who will be using tools (i.e. Premium, Standard, and Partners) are required to take tool Safety Training, which is available through a private agency. The CWC does not control the fee(s) associated with this, but to-date the fee has ranged from $150 to $300, for 2-4 hours of individualized, in-person training, depending on your skills.

Changes to these numbers

This page may be updated with additional fees for other/new options as they come into existence. However it is the operational policy of the CWC to change the fee schedule only on an annual basis, in the October/November time frame, to take effect as of the following January.