Belt, Disc, and Spindle Sander Safety

Summary of Safe Operating Procedures for Belt, Disk, and Spindle Sanders (printable version)
 Wearing a dust mask is recommended during all sanding operations.
 Make sure the sanding disk, belt, or sleeve is attached securely, aligned properly, and not torn or worn out or glazed over.
 For belt sanders, check that the belt is tracking properly. If not, notify the Shop Supervisor immediately.
 Check the guards and the table adjustments to see that they are in the correct position and securely locked in place
 Always use the proper grit sanding medium, course for removing material, fine for smoothing.
 Do not attempt to sand wood that is finished or painted. Sand only clean new wood.
 Do not attempt to sand off excess glue. Scrape it off before sanding.
 Hold the stock firmly against the table or fence and then slowly slide it against the abrasive.
 Keep your fingers well away from the abrasive. Use a clamp or other fixture to hold small pieces of stock.
 Press the stock lightly against the abrasive. Remove the stock frequently so the abrasive will not get glazed over or cause the stock to burn.
 Always sand against the rotation of the belt sander.
 Sand ONLY on the side of the disc that is moving DOWN towards the table! Move the work along this surface so it will not burn. [work in progress to include picture]
 Do not operate machines with torn or ripped belts or disks.
 Do not remove jammed wood while the sander is on. Turn off power, and wait until the machine has stopped
 Do not adjust tables while the machine is turned on
 Always turn off the sander when the sanding process is completed. Do not walk away while it is still running.